Style: hard rock, blues-rock, heavy metal
Label: Atlantic
Year: 1989
Home: Los Angeles
Members: Ray Gillen ~ vocals/harmonica
Jake E. Lee ~ guitars/keyboards
Greg Chaisson ~ bass
Eric Singer ~ drums

The line-up is the most impressive thing about this album & short-lived supergroup: guitarist Jake E. Lee who just left Ozzy Osbourne, bridging the gap between guitar gods Randy Rhoads & Zakk Wylde; the late Ray Gillen who sang with Black Sabbath; bassist Greg Chaisson who played with Yngmie Malmsteen's first band; & drummer Eric Singer of Black Sabbath, Alice Cooper, Lita Ford & most notably Kiss. Later Singer would be replaced by Jeff Martin of Racer X, Michael Schenker & Dokken, while Gillen was replaced by John West of Lynch Mob, Cozy Powell & the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. But, other than this history buff trivia of a whose who, the album is like Asia - less than it's part. It's not bad & has it's enjoyable moments. Could be worse but it could be better. The trouble here is that these guys sound like everyone they've played with with, but not themselves. It rocks quite hard with a lot of musical varity & there's no question this is a powerhouse of talent. Guitars blast away throughout with abandon. Even the filler rocks due to the high proficiency & good intense arrangements that grab your attention & a heavy blues sound that has always been prominent in much 80's arena rock & pretty much can't go wrong. But, there's nothing particularly original about any of it. There's also a heavy dose of Zeppelin here. The music immediately reminds me of the equally-short-lived Zeppelin wannabes Bonham, which also features a departed lead singer & even look the same. "Dreams In The Dark" could be Whitesnake song if I didn't know better as it's a perfect David Coverdale imitation. While "Winter's Call" & "Seasons" are more Robert Plant than Robert Plant has been since the Plant/Page reunion. Now, let me say I love Bonham's first album & I love Zeppelin so I inherently enjoy this album. But, it's just not one full of surprises. I'd recommend it, if for nothing else, than an example of 80's hair rock at it's imitative 70's influenced best. There's nothing wrong with this release.
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